Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender


AspenOUT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the Roaring Fork Valley that promotes tolerance, understanding, and diversity through local and national programming, fundraising, and grants for the LGBT+ community, their families, and allies, with a focus on youth, education, and community action.

Aspen Hope Center

Aspen Hope Center exists to extend a beacon of hope to those in emotional crisis and offer a continuum of comprehensive care while steadfastly working to decrease the stigma of mental illness through expert clinical care, public education, community collaboration and outreach.

One Colorado

Family Equality Council

Family Equality Council’s mission is to advance legal and lived equality for LGBTQ families, and for those who wish to form them, through building community, changing hearts and minds, and driving policy change.


YouthZone provides opportunities for youth to be responsible, contributing members of society and work with their families and the community toward this end.


GLSEN exists to create safe and affirming schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.  All students deserve a safe and affirming school environment where they can learn and grow. GLSEN works in hallways across the country — from Congress and the Department of Education to schools and district offices in your community — to improve school climate and champion LGBT issues in K-12 education.

The Center

The Center is the largest community center in the Rocky Mountain region, giving voice to Colorado’s LGBT community and playing a pivotal role in statewide initiatives to reduce harassment and discrimination. The Center is focused on fulfilling their mission — To engage, empower, enrich, and advance the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community of Colorado — by ensuring that every member of the LGBT community has access to the programs and resources they need to live happy, healthy, and productive lives.

Survivors Organizing for Liberation

Survivors Organizing for Liberation envisions a Colorado where Transgender, Gender non-conforming, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer people have the power to determine the conditions of their lives, are valued for who they are, take responsibility for each other’s safety, and live their lives free from violence.  We seek to live in a society where all sexualities, gender expressions, and gender identities are embraced and celebrated as valuable identities that make our communities vibrant.

If you have reached this page because you are in crisis, please callolorado Crisis Services Statewide Hotline 1-844-493-8255 or Text TALK to 38255


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